NEUROSCIENCE and Workplace Innovation


Innovative and Scientifically Proven

This workshop delivers on every level. There is a foundation of science and up to date research regarding the brain and related issues. The overview covering the health of the brain and its impact on the individual from a scientific perspective is made very accessible and understandable.

Participants will learn about the about the basic brain functions to assist in their understanding of the recommended care of a healthy brain. The idea of the ever-changing brain is explained, and participants are given an opportunity to explore their own solutions to support and expand brain health.

Teams put neuroscientific principles into action in a unique and fun team building activity that includes learning new skills, working together to develop creative content and show case the team strengths.

Our speaker expands on the health of the brain and explores the neuroscientific principles that impact our business relationships. Elements of trust, truth, communication, values, safety and security are considered.

The interactive part of the workshops gives participants a chance to explore and address these elements through action-oriented facilitation. This piece of the workshop allows participants to immediately use the information and the innovation fuel of the creative portion of the workshop to address current workplace challenges and plan future goals.

Participants in these workshops have been impressed by the combination of useful health information they can utilize in their individual lives along with the opportunity to connect with co-workers at a different level in building connections and business solutions. The result is an engaged group with a solid action plan.

The result of this workshop:

  • Understand “brain plasticity” – specifically neuroplasticity
  • Identify factors that contribute to increased brain productivity
  • Recognize how creativity and cognitive change relates to improved brain function and impacts individuals and their performance
  • Discover practical ideas to apply personally and professionally
  • Innovative thinking experience 
  • A clear and meaningful vision
  • A detailed action plan